Would you like to improve your smile ?
Dr. Michael Vo patient
What are Veneers
Dental veneers are like porcelain or composite contact lenses that are bonded to the surface of the teeth. Veneers change the shape and color of teeth. These custom made veneers provide patients with a bright, beautiful and natural smile.
Benefits of Veneers
Patiente de Dr Michael Vo
Close gaps between teeth
Lengthen teeth that are too short
Fix yellow or brown teeth
Correct stains caused by tetracycline
Align crooked teeth
Cosmetic Veneers by Dr Michael Vo
Parce que nous sommes des artistes du sourire
* Financement disponible
Dr. Michael Vo
21 years of experience
Comprehensive training worldwide
Dr. Marco Rhonda in Italy
Dr Istvan Urban in Hungary
Dr Ignaki Gamborena in Spain
Dr. Marius Steigmann in Germany
Dr. Sacha Jovanovic in the United States
Dr. Richard A. Litt in the United States
Dr. Michael Pikos in the United States
Dr. John Chao in the United States
Dr. Yvan Poitras in Montmagny